Sunday 20 July 2014

Well hello all,

It truly has been forever since I've written here! Hard to imagine but I have moved twice since my last post. Life is fascinating, challenging and truly getting richer and more vibrant I'm happy to say.

This last move was fairly smooth in many ways but also deeply challenging. I took care of Ruby the mule (pictured here) for 2 years and really fell in love with her. My landlords sold her to some wonderful people in Riondel, BC and I'm so pleased to hear that she is doing well. We became so bonded, and because I didn't have the timing and skill to help undo some of her bad habits (which of course she learned from humans), everything I did with her was at liberty, which means no rope and if she wasn't in the mood she was able to leave. I think this is partly what deepened our bond.
I taught Ruby (and subsequently Prowler) to lift a foot (any foot) simply by me pointing to it. She would also bow for me. She was so sweet and sensitive/emotional which of course I loved and hated at the same time. It REALLY didn't work to get emotional near her (in a negative fashion) as she'd be 'outa there' lol. But when I was having a hard time she would come and put her big beautiful head in my lap and let me cry and shnuggle her and she really said she understood.

This summer I had the pleasure of having Eric of come visit us and I was able to have a conversation with both Prowler and Ruby about the upcoming move and the fact that Ruby would be moving on without me. It was quite remarkable! At first she couldn't even look at me because she couldn't/didn't want to HEAR what I was saying and didn't want to process it. Eventually she came up to me and I put her head in my arms and we both cried (Eric said a certain shallow breathing she was doing was much like crying). It broke my heart and touched me deeply. I will go and visit her at her new home in Riondel and take some video and photos of her new life. Funny enough her new love is an Appy Mule! Apparently she felt instantly in LOVE and within a few days she was being ponied on trail rides with her new owner Tim riding the Appaloosa mule.... and Ruby NEVER allowed herself to be led on a lead line so it's quite remarkable! Mules are ruled by their hearts FAR MORE than horses I learned....if you didn't have her heart... you didn't have her. Even though I know I had her heart she just learned to pull away and knowing that was always working against us.

 This was the first time in year 2 that I put Ruby's fly mask on. It took no time at all and here she's having a lick and chew, understanding (finally) that this contraption kept the bugs off her ears/eyes. I love this pic as it captures her personality well. She is a character!

Well dear readers... that's it for now. I promise to post here at least twice a month. There are new horse journeys to go on. New horses to learn from and interact with (and fall in love with!).

Until next time then.... may YOUR horse be your GURU.

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