Sunday 17 April 2011

Finding a 'Feel' with Horses

I decided to do a kick back to the days I had a radio show called 'open wide' on Kootenay Co-op Radio here in Nelson. The year I got Prowler I stopped doing it as the transition to a horse owner was really full on for me that I needed to trim down all other activities.

I do miss sharing on the radio. Ask any of my friends and they will tell you I'm often the 'queen of TMI (too much information)' ;-)

So here's a little snipped of my live life with Prowler.

I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments about learning to "feel of and for your horse and he will feel of and for you"' as Tom Dorrance put it.

Did I say it before? My horse is my guru!

I'll figure out how to embed this audio later but for now simply go here to listen:


  1. I had no idea you did radio!! Awesome!

    hey you can just HTML embed it in using this code cuz all the browsers are aware now and you don't need tags. Replace | with < since I can't post otherwise.

    |embed src="yourfile.mp3" /|

  2. Thanks Thunder! I'll try that and let ya know. It sure helps to have geeky friends!! Feel free to follow me on networked blogs eh? The more followers I have there the better. xo
